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Writer's pictureLisa 🤱 Raising Star Seedlings

♌ Leo season ritual to do with your child ☀️

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Happy Leo season mystic mommas!

♌ season is from July 23 to August 22 each year.

Have your intentions to sync with the stars shifted since spawning your star seedling? 💫

Do you feel so overwhelmed or overstimulated by motherhood that you can't even come up with the simplest ritual to honor the natural seasons again? 🪄

Do you yearn for those days as a maiden when you could listen to all the astrological horoscopes your heart desired and spend all your free time reflecting and journaling on your dreams? 🛀

That's how I feel during this cycle of my life and I almost gave up trying since my mom brain literally couldn't handle any more decisions! 😫

But my guides had other plans and downloads for this page started coming through including ways to simplify my routines of honoring the sun, moon and stars; and then nudges to share these witchy mom life hacks with you came too. ☄️

Here's how you can easily celebrate each zodiac season:

☀️ Set / reflect on your intention for the zodiac season as you fill your diffuser with water each day

☀️ Pick 1-2 essential oils from this list to connect with on an emotional level to remind you of your intentions every time you smell it

☀️ Let whatever little rhyme or spell bubbles up from your subconscious flow out of your mouth as you add the drops to your diffusing cauldron. It might change daily and get more eloquent!

☀️ Turn on the diffuser and take a deep breathe in to seal the deal

☀️ Boom. Done. That's it!

No need to do anything else! You've probably been summoned by a little earthling by this point anyways! 😅

That's what I do and it's helped me stay connected with my cyclical nature in it's simplest form just as essential oils allow us to connect with the spirits of plants in their simplest form! 🌱

Do you love how easy that was? Drop a 💜

Or how efficient you're becoming as a witchy mommy? Drop a 🩵


Instead of offering random and sporadic scents to offer my daughter to smell during her aromatic sensory play times, I've found it to be relieving to have these go-to lists each month to widen her olfactory experience that are in sync with the nature around her.

Sure, I could just stick to the typical sugary and artificial fragrances that I saw suggested on Pinterest, but I would feel super guilty exposing her to such over simplified odors that are actually disruptive to her body's endocrine system! Pee-ewww! 🦨

Lately, we've been enjoying picking out one of these bottles each morning (now that she can grab things) and simply smelling them straight from the bottle (at arms length) while practicing "breathe in, and breathe out". 👃

Lol, I let my nose make a lot of noise so she gets what's going on and it reminds me of when I used to be diligent with my ujjayi breath practices when doing yoga. 🧘‍♀️

There's a ton of other ways to incorporate these scents into your child's daily activities such as smelly crafts that I've been slowly adding to my monthly Pinterest boards if you're looking for more inspiration! 📌

Which does your little one love the smell of? 🌌

Order the corresponding essential oils from the link below.

🌞 Leo Sun shopping list:  

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Add 3 or more of the corresponding essential oils linked in the shopping lists below to your family's astrological apothecary and I'll send you a bottle of Calm essential oil blend from Young Living's Seedlings line plus a Kiddie Gram natal chart report for your little one as a welcome gift with your first purchase. 🤩

And I'm guessing you'd want to be able to use these oils for more than just play time, so I'll invite you to our private groups and photo albums with even more mommie friendly ways to incorporate these cosmic scents into your every day life! 💫

The only brand of eos I trust around my little star seedling is Young Living because of their Seed to Seal quality commitment. 🌱 Plus I greatly appreciate the community's incredibly vast knowledge base of resources as a double Gemini ⬆️🌕.

Reference my Brand Partner number: 3274743 at checkout when purchasing any Young Living product to support mom's like me on a mission to get essential oils in every household to support all our little star seedlings with the power of our mother earth. 🌿

Twinkle twinkle mommy star,


I shop and share Young Living essential oils:

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